

The process of carrying out interviews, editing the material and making sense of the production takes time; more time than many organisations can resource.

This is where we can help…..At Croft Productions we are experienced interviewers.

When we carry out interviews whether for ourselves, or on behalf of others, we ensure adequate research of the subject is carried out before leaving the office.

On meeting our interviewee, we like to establish a rapport, encouraging our subject to relax as we find this is the route to a successful outcome providing interesting and informative material.

Our usual style is to keep the interview natural and conversational, weaving our (your) questions naturally into the flow of the conversation, remaining flexible which may take the interview into an unexpected direction, leading to some unexpected ‘little gems’.

If you are looking for something more visual, by working in partnership, we can video interviews in addition to producing a purely audio version, the choice is yours.